Gain direct access to U.S. equity markets and dark pools with up to 100% payouts, low or free commissions, and trade from 4AM - 8PM ET Monday to Friday.

Choose from powerful platforms, including DAS or Sterling, and enjoy real-time support, daily performance reports, and access to hard to borrow stocks to trade long and short.
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Zimtra is a Proprietary Trading Firm
Zimtra empowers both institutional and retail traders with the same professional technology, resources, and capital to fuel success — paying out from 90-100% of your profits.
The Zimtra Advantage
Active Traders
Scaling their strategies with our capital and tools.
Shares Traded Daily
Across sub-dollar, mid and large cap stocks.
Trade Freely
No Pattern Day Trader restrictions.
Traded Daily
Powered by our proprietary trading routes.
Buying Power
Amplify your winning strategies.
Fully regulated
Reg. No. 1597816
Registered with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority
Choose Your Trading Plan
Get started within 48 hours once your application has been received and approved.


Minimum deposit $1K+
1x buying power
100% payout
Free commissions
Free platform and MD
(after first month, trade more than 250k shares ≥$1 a month
to maintain)
About Intermediate Account


Minimum deposit $1K+
4x buying power
100% payout
Commissions $0.0015 – $0.0005
(volume based,
no per trade minimums)
About Pro Account


Minimum deposit $1K+
10x+ buying power
90% payout
Commissions $0.0015 – $0.0005
(volume based,
no per trade minimums)
About Elite Account

Basic plan

Ideal for small teams and startups.
This includes...
Access to all basic features
Basic reporting and analytics
Up to 10 individual users
20GB individual data each user
Basic chat and email support
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Business plan

Growing teams up to 20 users.
Everything in our basic plan plus....
200+ integrations
Advanced reporting and analytics
Up to 20 individual users
40GB individual data each user
Priority chat and email support
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Enterprise plan

Large teams with unlimited users.
Everything in our business plan plus....
Advanced custom fields
Audit log and data history
Unlimited individual users
Unlimited individual data
Personalised+priotity service
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Question 1 of 3
Please, answer a few questions
Do you use market data for your own personal benefit and not for your business or any other entity or commercial benefit? This includes if you advise, teach, or sell investment or trading strategies.
Thank you for completing the qualification assessment
Based on your responses, you are classified as a Professional (Pro) user and, unfortunately, do not meet the eligibility criteria for non-professional market data access.
As a result, we are not able to create a free Simulator account for you.
We appreciate your understanding and look forward to assisting you in case you want to open a live account.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Market Data
What is a market data feed? Do I need it?
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Market data provides stock price information. Data feeds provide open order quotes, executions and stock identifiers. Real-time Market Data for equity instruments will contain:

• Reference Data (Symbol Name, Venue and other identifiers)
• Timestamp
• Quote Size & Price
• Execution Price, Size and Venue

Zimtra offers direct real-time feeds for all markets' L1 and L2 level market data.

Market data is typically required by platforms to place orders, but not all platforms require it if you have your own source externally.
Can I trade without market data? Minimum market data required to send orders on each platform?
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Market regulations require that an end-trader is shown the market national-best-bid-and-offer (NBBO) for a particular symbol, before an order for that symbol can be submitted. That being said, some traders receive market data outside of their trading platform, from third party providers. Some platforms recognize that, and some do not.

On DAS Trader, a minimum of one primary L1 market data feed (NYSE, NASDAQ or AMEX) is required to submit orders in a symbol.

On Sterling Trader Pro, orders can be submitted without any feeds, provided that you receive your own market data.
How do I enable market data?
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This is a simple process, but has a few steps:

1. Request the market data entitlements you want, through your trader portal.
2. Sign market data exchange agreements:

• Sterling agreements are signed at: ; you can log in using the software credentials provided to you.
• DAS agreements are signed as soon as you log into the platform for the first time. A pop-up window will request that you sign agreements before proceeding.

3. Zimtra Support Team will enable your market data per your request, as soon as your exchange agreements are signed. In the case of NYSE, data can only be enabled once NYSE approves your exchange agreement, but this is only the case with NYSE. This process can take 24-48 hours from the time of signing.
When am I charged for market data?
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Market data is charged by exchanges, and it is charged for the entire month as soon as it is enabled. This means that if at any point during a month your account is enabled, any feed added to it is automatically charged, even if you remove it before the end of the month.

Market data charges will appear on your account either as soon as you start trading during any given month, or several days after the end of the month, during the reconciliation period, but the charges will always appear dated on the last day of each month, same as software charges.

If you have submitted a market data request by accident, or you changed your mind after submitting a request, you can cancel your request in the portal or call our support team to urgently cancel your request. Once the operations team has enabled your market data and marked your request completed, if your account is in enabled status, the data is automatically charged.
Do you prorate market data fees? Will I be charged for a full month if I only use it for a few days?
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Market data is charged by exchanges, and it is charged for the entire month as soon as it is enabled. This means that if at any point during a month your account is enabled, any feed added to it is automatically charged, even if you remove it before the end of the month.

If you have submitted a market data request by accident, or you changed your mind after submitting a request, you can cancel your request in the portal or call our support team to urgently cancel your request. Once the operations team has enabled your market data and marked your request completed, if your account is in enabled status, the data is automatically charged.
Will I be charged for market data If I don't log in to my account?
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Market data is charged by exchanges for the entire month as soon as it is enabled. This means that if at any point during a month your account is enabled, any feed added to it is automatically charged, even if you never logged in, or if you removed it before the end of the month.

Please be vigilant in this regard - we are charged automatically by exchanges, and cannot reverse these charges.
If I choose an option in market data, can I change it at another time?
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Absolutely! Market data feeds can be changed at any time, but they are charged for the entire month if they are enabled at any point during a month. To reflect this, your trading portal has the option of scheduling when you would like to have your market data change request actioned.

We recommend doing so on the 1st of the month, so that you are not charged for using data for only a portion of a month. You can request market data changes at any time, however.
I want to change my market data package this month. Will I be charged for both the new and the old?
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Market Data is charged by the corresponding vendor (NYSE, NASDAQ, etc), as soon as the “product” is “consumed”. This means that if at any point during a calendar month, you had a market data entitlement enabled - it will be charged, because you had access to the feed. Much like a Netflix subscription - it doesn’t matter if you logged in and used it or not - it was available to you.

The only exception is in the DAS platform, with the Level 1 Package, and NASDAQ TotalView. If you enable the Level 1 Package during a month, any other L1 charge will be replaced by the Level 1 package cost. For example, if you had Nasdaq L1 and NYSE L1, and then you replaced them with the Level 1 package, only the Level 1 package will be charged. Similarly, if you had the Level 1 package, and you decided to add the Nasdaq Totalview feed, the cost for Totalview includes the Level 1 package, so you will only be charged the price of Totalview.
Market data charges are too expensive. My other broker offers it at X% less than you. Could you give me a discount?
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Zimtra is a Proprietary Trading firm. This means that all traders trade our capital, not their own. Because of this, all live account traders are automatically deemed 'Professional' by exchanges, and only have access to Professional Real Time market data feeds.

Non-Professional market data is cheaper, but is only available if the trader can prove that they meet the criteria to be deemed non-professional. Zimtra live account traders cannot qualify for non-pro data.

Some brokers and firms skirt this requirement and sometimes offer market data at non-professional rates even if you do not qualify. This is illegal, and exchanges constantly invent new ways to catch evaders, incurring heavy fines or a complete ban for the firm.

Zimtra operates strictly by the letter of the law in all aspects of our operations, so we cannot accommodate such schemes.
What is L1 and L2 market data?
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The Order Book is a list of all currently open orders for a particular security, organized into two sides (buy and sell), and sorted in a descending order by "best price": highest bids (offer price) and lowest asks (selling price) appear first, and are called the Top of Book.

Below them appear the next best bid and next best ask, and so on until all open orders are recorded; this is called Book Depth. This tier distinction forms the basis of data classification levels:

L1: Level 1 is the most basic level of Market Data, and includes only execution prints (Time & Sales) and the top of book - the best bid and best ask currently available. This level of market data is required for viewing Charts. No other data is required for charts.

Each L1 feed provides data for all symbols listed on that exchange, including top of book from every other exchange trading that symbol, separately displaying the NBBO (National Best Bid & Offer)

L2: The next level of data includes full book depth - all bids and asks that are not the best available at the exchange, but does not display hidden or reserve orders.

Each L2 feed provides the full book depth for orders resting on that exchange, regardless of whether the symbol is listed on this exchange or not, but not depth of book of other exchanges.

Some exchange data is provided as a complete bundle - for example, EDGA, EDGX and BATS data is provided as L1 + L2 combined.

Please choose the combination of feeds that satisfies your trading style, with this information in mind.
Do I need L1 to have L2?
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L1 market data is required to see L2 data for any particular exchange. This means that:

• If you want NYSE L2 (called NYSE OpenView), you have to have NYSE L1 enabled first - either on its own, or as part of a Regionals data package. (Only DAS Level 1 + Totalview includes both the L1 feed and L2 feed in a bundle).
• If you have Nasdaq L1, and want NYSE L2, you will still need to get NYSE L1 enabled first - an exchange will not display L2 depth if you don't have that exchange's L1 enabled first.
What Market data is available through Zimtra?
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Market Data Feed
NYSE Level 1 (Tape A)
Provides consolidated Trades, NBBO and best bid & ask data for every NYSE listed stock, from all US exchanges
AMEX/ARCA Level 1 (Tape B)
Provides consolidated Trades, NBBO and best bid & ask data for every stock that is listed on ARCA, AMEX, EDGA, EDGX, BATS and BATSY
NASDAQ Level 1 (Tape C)
Provides consolidated Trades, NBBO and best bid & ask data for every NASDAQ listed stock, from all US exchanges
Level 1 Package (NYSE L1, Nasdaq L1, Amex L1)
Combo package of all Level 1 Feeds for NYSE, NSDQ and AMEX/ARCA, at a discounted price ("Regional L1")
Level 1 Package + Nasdaq TotalView (NSDQ Level 2)
Combo package - includes the full Level 1 Package and full NASDAQ book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the NASDAQ Exchange, as well as NASDAQ imbalance data.
Only Available on Pro & iDAS
IEX Book
Full IEX book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the IEX Exchange.
Only Available on Pro & iDAS
Full ARCA book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the ARCA Exchange, as well as imbalance data.
Only Available on Pro & iDAS
News Headline
News headlines only, from a variety of providers.
Only Available on Pro
News Body
News articles from a variety of providers.
Only Available on Pro & iDAS
Fundamental Data (FLOAT)
Various fundamental data for stocks - all stocks.
Only Available on Pro & iDAS
Trade Signal Scan
Signals from DAS Scanner.
Only Available on Pro & iDAS
Nasdaq Net Imbalance
Opening and closing auction imbalances from Nasdaq.
Only Available on Pro & iDAS


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Personalised service and enterprise security for large teams.
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Basic features
Individual data
Automated workflows
200+ integrations
Reporting and analytics
Export reports
Scheduled reports
API access
Advanced reports
Saved reports
Customer properties
Custom fields
User access
SSO/SAML authentication
Advanced permissions
Audit log
Data history
NYSE Level 1 (Tape A)
Provides consolidated Trades, NBBO and best bid & ask data for every NYSE listed stock, from all US exchanges
AMEX/ARCA Level 1 (Tape B)
Provides consolidated Trades, NBBO and best bid & ask data for every stock that is listed on ARCA, AMEX, EDGA, EDGX, BATS and BATSY
NASDAQ Level 1 (Tape C)
Provides consolidated Trades, NBBO and best bid & ask data for every NASDAQ listed stock, from all US exchanges
Level 1 Package (NYSE L1, Nasdaq L1, Amex L1)
Combo package of all Level 1 Feeds for NYSE, NSDQ and AMEX/ARCA, at a discounted price ("Regional L1")
Level 1 Package + Nasdaq TotalView (NSDQ Level 2)
Combo package - includes the full Level 1 Package and full NASDAQ book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the NASDAQ Exchange, as well as NASDAQ imbalance data.Only.
Available on Pro & iDAS
IEX Book
Full IEX book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the IEX Exchange.
Only Available on Pro & iDAS
Full ARCA book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the ARCA Exchange, as well as imbalance data.
Only Available on Pro & iDAS
News Headline
News headlines only, from a variety of providers.
Only Available on Pro
News Body
News articles from a variety of providers.
Only Available on Pro & iDAS
Fundamental Data (FLOAT)
Various fundamental data for stocks - all stocks.
Only Available on Pro & iDAS
Trade Signal Scan
Signals from DAS Scanner.
Only Available on Pro & iDAS
Nasdaq Net Imbalance
Opening and closing auction imbalances from Nasdaq.
Only Available on Pro & iDAS
Market Data Feed
NYSE Level 1 (Tape A)
Provides consolidated Trades, NBBO and best bid & ask data for every NYSE listed stock, from all US exchanges
AMEX/ARCA Level 1 (Tape B)
Provides consolidated Trades, NBBO and best bid & ask data for every stock that is listed on ARCA, AMEX, EDGA, EDGX, BATS and BATSY
NASDAQ Level 1 (Tape C)
Provides consolidated Trades, NBBO and best bid & ask data for every NASDAQ listed stock, from all US exchanges
NASDAQ Total + Open View
Full NASDAQ book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the NASDAQ Exchange, including imbalance data
Full EDGA book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the EDGA Exchange
Full EDGX book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the EDGX Exchange
NYSE Open Book
Full NYSE book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the NYSE Exchange
Full ARCA book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the ARCA Exchange
Full BATS book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the BATS Exchange
NYSE Imbalance data
ARCA Imbalance data
Options quotes


Basic features for up to 10 users with everything you need.
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Advanced features and reporting, better workflows and automation.
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Personalised service and enterprise security for large teams.
Get started
Basic features
Individual data
Automated workflows
200+ integrations
Reporting and analytics
Export reports
Scheduled reports
API access
Advanced reports
Saved reports
Customer properties
Custom fields
User access
SSO/SAML authentication
Advanced permissions
Audit log
Data history
NYSE Level 1 (Tape A)
Provides consolidated Trades, NBBO and best bid & ask data for every NYSE listed stock, from all US exchanges
AMEX/ARCA Level 1 (Tape B)
Provides consolidated Trades, NBBO and best bid & ask data for every stock that is listed on ARCA, AMEX, EDGA, EDGX, BATS and BATSY
NASDAQ Level 1 (Tape C)
Provides consolidated Trades, NBBO and best bid & ask data for every NASDAQ listed stock, from all US exchanges
NASDAQ Total + Open View
Full NASDAQ book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the NASDAQ Exchange, including imbalance data
Full EDGA book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the EDGA Exchange
Full EDGX book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the EDGX Exchange
NYSE Open Book
Full NYSE book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the NYSE Exchange
Full ARCA book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the ARCA Exchange
Full BATS book depth: all bids and offers for stocks trading on the BATS Exchange
NYSE Imbalance data
ARCA Imbalance data
Options quotes
What market data do you recommend for a beginner trader?
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Choosing which market data entitlements you want to pick starts with considering your trading strategy's needs and your budget.
Consider the following:
1. You can start trading with only a Level 1 feed from any exchange. This will provide the time & sales ("prints"), let you view charts and tell you the national best Bid and Offer for stocks listed on that exchange. You would only be able to trade symbols listed on the exchanges for which you have L1 feeds, but NYSE and Nasdaq L1 cover a large portion of the market, and are very affordable.
Here is what viewing a NYSE listed symbol, while having NYSE L1 would look like:
Here is what viewing a NASDAQ listed symbol while having only NYSE L1 would look like:
IF you have all 3 L1s (for example, with DAS Level 1 Package), viewing any symbol would look like this:
2. Complex order types like limit orders or stop orders may require more granular data for success. To support more complex trading, consider adding Level 2 feeds, which will allow you to see the full book depth (all price levels of bids and asks), including symbols not listed on that exchange, but trading on it.
3. Some strategies focus on news, headlines, indexes or imbalances. You can round out your market data set by adding News feeds (full or headline), Indexes like Nasdaq GIDS or CBOE MDX, and market imbalance feeds like ARCA Alerts or NYSE Alerts. For additional information, you can request Fundamental data - which can include historic volume, float, and dividend information.
DAS Fundamentals Example:
Starting out: Level 1 data for major US exchanges is a good starting point. For traders on the DAS platform, a discounted value package called Regionals - provides all 3 L1 feeds (NYSE, Nasdaq, AMEX).

Focus on specific markets: If you focus on specific markets (e.g., NYSE, Nasdaq), you may only need data for those exchanges.

Upgrade as needed: as your trading journey flourishes, you will get a sense of where you need more data. You can add or remove market data at any time.

Consider cost: while market data helps you make more informed decisions, it comes at a cost. Consider what strategies bring you success, and which feeds are required for them. Build your market data stack around this.
Check which market your stock is trading on:
I signed exchange agreements and the system determined me as a pro-trader. I don't want that.
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Zimtra is a Proprietary Trading firm. This means that all traders trade our capital, not their own. Because of this, all live account traders are automatically deemed 'Professional' by exchanges, and only have access to Professional Real Time market data feeds.

If you signed up for a simulator account, and you believe that you were wrongly determined as Professional, please contact our support team. There are a number of reasons that can cause this - answering a qualifying question incorrectly, using a non-personal email, submitting incomplete personal details, or working for an employer in a qualifying professional field.

Exchanges deem all traders as professional by default, and the onus is on the trader to prove that they qualify for non-professional status.
Can I have non-pro market data on my simulator account if I have a live account too?
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If a trader has ever been deemed pro by an exchange, they can never go back to non-pro, unfortunately. If you have ever been approved as a professional by an exchange, you cannot receive non-pro data going forward, even if you close your live account and open a simulator only account.
What is DAS Regional quotes? Does DAS Regional include L2?
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DAS has a deal with exchanges to offer a bundled data feed, which includes NYSE, AMEX and NASDAQ L1 feeds combined into one, at a discounted price.

Enabling DAS Regional provides you all three L1 feeds for one low price.

If you want to add an L2 market depth feed from one of these exchanges, you do not need a separate L1 feed, DAS Regional is sufficient. The Level 1 + Nasdaq Totalview combo package is a very economical way to get all three L1s and the full book depth on Nasdaq for one low price.
What market data do I need to view imbalances?
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Market Imbalances are available as a separate data feed, or bundled into a package. The following packages are required for each market's imbalance data:
Sterling Trader:
ARCA/AMEX Imbalance
NYSE Imbalance
NSDQ Imbalance
ARCA Alerts
NYSE Alerts
NSDQ Open/Total View
DAS Trader:
ARCA/AMEX Imbalance
NYSE Imbalance
NSDQ Imbalance
NSDQ TotalView
How do I sign Exchange Data Agreements?
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Sterling agreements are signed at: ; you can log in using the software credentials provided to you.

DAS agreements are signed as soon as you log into the platform for the first time. A pop-up window will request that you sign agreements before proceeding. Alternatively, you can sign online at, using your account credentials.
How does the billing cycle work at Zimtra? How and when am I charged for market data and platform?
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Reconciliation Period

The process works as follows: once a month concludes, our team begins reconciling all income and expenses for that month.
This reconciliation period typically takes 3 to 4 weeks after the billing cycle ends. Once completed, the statements are generated and uploaded to your Zimtra Portal.

Statement Generation

Once reconciliation is completed, the statements are generated and uploaded to your Zimtra Portal.

Timeline Example

If you trade in January, our team will start reconciling the income and expenses for January as soon as the month ends. This process usually takes up to 3 weeks but can extend to 4 weeks. This means that the finalization of January's income and expenses is typically completed around the 15th of February. Once this is done, your January statement will be uploaded to your portal. After the statement is available.

Review Period

We allow traders up to 10 days to review and raise any discrepancies for our team to investigate. After this period, it is assumed that the statement is accurate.

Market Data and Platform Charges

Market Data and Platform charges are applied in full if your account is Enabled at any point during the month. These charges are NOT prorated. Example: if your account is enabled on the 15th of the month, you will be charged the full price for Market Data and Platform services for that month. If you do not request to have your account disabled before the end of the month, you will incur the full charges for the following month as well.

Charges in Propreports

While we strive to keep charges in Propreports up to date, this is not always feasible. Any charges in Propreports are reflected in your available balance on the Zimtra Trader Portal.
If you disagree with these charges, there is a good chance they will be updated during the reconciliation process, once the month in question has closed. Therefore, it’s best to wait for your finalized statement before escalating any discrepancies.
Funding and Withdrawal policy, what are the charges?
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The minimum performance bond required to start trading with Zimtra is $1,000.
We allow your account to draw down to 40-50% of this amount. Once the balance reaches this level, our team reserves the right to close any open positions, disable the account, and notify you of the low-performance bond balance. At that point, we will request that you wire at least the amount necessary to restore the performance bond to the minimum of $1,000.

By default, any profits over $500 per month will be paid out, provided you have previously submitted your wire details to us. If we do not have your wire information, the profit will be added to your performance bond balance.

If you prefer, you can inform us that you would like your profits to be automatically added to your performance bond. This will lead to higher trading limits, with payouts being processed only upon your request.

Profit payouts typically occur once a month, between when the statements are uploaded and the 1st day of the following month.
You can withdraw funds from your account at any time by either submitting a request to our support team or providing a WISE payment request link for the desired withdrawal amount. These requests are processed on a best-efforts basis, usually within 1-3 days. Please note that a decrease in your performance bond balance will result in reduced risk limits on your trading account.
We primarily use WISE for sending and receiving funds. If, for any reason, we are unable to use WISE, we will use one of our traditional bank accounts, which may incur additional bank charges.

Important note: Wire transfers to fund your account must be sent from a bank account held by the same entity that has an agreement with Zimtra. If you open an account as an individual, we cannot accept funds from any other company, including one registered in your name. If you wish to open an account on behalf of a company, please contact our support team for guidance on how to proceed. Additionally, any profit payouts or withdrawals can only be made to bank accounts in the name of the entity with which we have an agreement.

Fees for Wires Received by Zimtra
$6.11 (charged by WISE).

Fees for Wires Sent by Zimtra
All wire fees are assessed by the bank and are passed through without markup. All fees are listed in USD.
Wires: $9.03 (Fixed Fee)
Bank Debit (ACH): $2.92 (Fixed Fee) + 0.25% (Variable Fee)
Fees may vary by country. Please consult the WISE website for specific charges.
Is it possible to trade Penny Stocks with Zimtra? Short them?
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Yes, we allow traders to trade penny stocks at Zimtra. However, to short stocks priced below $1, we require a minimum performance bond balance of $15,000.
Can I trade less than 100 Shares? (i.e. 1, 5, 10, 20 shares etc.)
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Yes, we allow odd lot orders (orders less than 100 shares)
Can I re-use the locates tomorrow? (Are locates recyclable?)
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No, unfortunately, locates are only valid for the day they are purchased. If the symbol is not Easy to Borrow, you will need to buy locates again the following day. However, locates are recyclable within the same day. This means you can short up to the total number of locates purchased multiple times throughout the day. For example, if you purchase 100 locates for stock ABC, you can short up to 100 shares, cover the position, and then short another 100 shares. Your maximum short position at any given time cannot exceed the total number of locates purchased.
Can I trade in the pre/post market?
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Yes, you can trade between 4am -8pm EST
How do I request an account closure?
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To close your account and withdraw your remaining balance, please submit a disable request through the Zimtra Trader Portal. This will help ensure no further charges are applied.Once you've submitted a custom request through the portal to close your account and withdraw your balance, we will reconcile your account and finalize your remaining funds.After the final balance is determined, our team will send you the amount. You can then provide a WISE payment request link, or if you don’t have a WISE account, we will send you a template to fill out with your wire details.
If I stop trading, how long can my account remain open before it’s deactivated?
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We require updated KYC information if your account has been inactive for more than 90 days. You can reach out to us via your Zimtra Trader Portal or email Support if this is the case. Occasionally, the trading platforms (DAS and Sterling) perform housekeeping and may delete accounts that haven’t been enabled for a while. If this happens, we will just need to recreate the account for you, this could take 1-2 days.
How to Apply for a Demo/Simulator
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We provide two types of demos and simulators:

Sterling Simulator (Paper Trading with Real-Time Market Data)

• Visit and click on "Sign Up for Simulator."
• Complete a brief questionnaire.
• If classified as a non-professional, you will proceed with your registration (Zimtra login + Sumsub KYC verification), and a free simulator will be created for you.
• To switch to a Live account, simply tap the button in your Zimtra Trader Portal.

Note: If you are classified as a professional, we cannot offer a free simulator. However, you can still open a live account.

DAS Demo (Paper Trading with Delayed Market Data)

• Visit the DAS website to apply directly for a free 14-day trial here.
• For more information regarding the DAS platform, click here.
• For any inquiries about the DAS Demo, please contact DAS support here.
When is the bonus/promotional credit added to my account?
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New account incentives/rewards are obtained through Zimtra promotions or referral programs. If you signed up using a referral link, we should already have your referral code on file. If not, please contact us through your Zimtra Trader Portal and let us know which of our partners referred you.The bonus/promotional credit will be applied to your account T+2, from your first day of trading. You can check this in the "Adjustments" report in Propreports, where the credit will also be reflected in your account balance. If you don’t see the credit in Propreports, please reach out to our support team, through your Zimtra Trader Portal, so we can investigate further.
Is support available 24/7, or only during market hours?
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Zimtra provides live support Monday through Friday, from 4 AM to 8 PM EST, excluding market holidays.

You can find a list of all market holidays here: NYSE Market Hours & Calendar.
Adding and Removing Liquidity
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To understand how and when you add or remove liquidity, it's important to first grasp the concept of the NBBO (National Best Bid and Offer). The NBBO represents the best available buy price (the bid) and the best available sell price (the offer) in the market. The spread is the difference between these two prices.

During core market hours (9:30 AM to 4:00 PM EST), Regulation NMS ("RegNMS") applies, which means that orders cannot be executed at prices outside (worse than) the NBBO. All trades must occur at prices within the spread—either at the bid or offer, or somewhere between them—when the order is placed.

During pre-market (4:00 AM - 9:30 AM EST) and post-market (4:00 PM - 8:00 PM EST) hours, RegNMS does not apply. This means your order can be filled at prices outside of the NBBO. Instead, your order will interact with the best available liquidity at the venue to which it is directed, as long as it is within your specified limit price.

It's important to note that market orders are not supported during pre-market or post-market sessions. Orders placed in these sessions must be limit orders.

Adding vs. Removing Liquidity

Adding liquidity occurs when there is no existing liquidity at the venue where your order is sent. In this case, your order is "posted" to the order book at that venue, meaning it is live and waiting for a matching order on the opposite side. If another order arrives at that venue on the opposite side at the same price as yours (or better), the two orders will match, and the trade will be executed. In this scenario, your order is considered to have added liquidity, while the order on the opposite side has removed liquidity.

Removing liquidity happens when your order matches an existing order at the venue, on arrival. When this occurs, you are effectively "taking" the available liquidity. Whether your order adds or removes liquidity is determined by the liquidity code provided by the venue.

There are several liquidity codes used by different venues, but typically:

A: Adds liquidity.

R: Removes liquidity.

X: Indicates that your order was routed to another venue because the original venue had no liquidity, but another venue had displayed liquidity.

The ECN charge or rebate you receive depends on both the venue where your order is sent and the liquidity code returned.

Important Considerations

When sending a buy order at the bid or a sell order at the offer, you are not guaranteed to add liquidity. It’s possible that, by the time your order is received, the market may have moved slightly, causing your order to remove liquidity instead. Additionally, there could be hidden liquidity at the venue to which your order is directed. For example, someone may have submitted a post-only order, which ensures their order can only add liquidity and cannot remove it.

To illustrate, imagine the NBBO is 25.10 x 25.20, and you send a buy order to the NYSE at the best bid which is at NSDQ exchange (25.10). If there are hidden sell orders at 25.10 on NYSE at that time, your buy order will interact with the hidden sell orders at NYSE. As a result, instead of adding liquidity, your order would remove liquidity.
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